Assorted minor updates

Just post­ed a minor update to the Logistics branch rules. Also added notes on the maps page as to how many play­ers each map is for.

Other than that, late­ly I have been work­ing most­ly on pieces for Empire. Well, by “late­ly” I mean I did a bunch of work last spring, and then dust­ed it off again this week to work on it some more. I still some­times toy with the idea of set­ting up a play-by-email (PBEM) game, and of course some kind of dig­i­tal pieces are a pre-req­ui­site for that. So by pieces I mean some­thing dig­i­tal, that could also be print­ed out and used on card­stock.

Being a font per­son, the first step that was obvi­ous to me was to start by fig­ur­ing out icons/​visuals, and then put them in a font. That’s com­ing along. I have near­ly 40 counter designs done, plus graph­ics lined up  for anoth­er dozen. However, the game will require at least twice that. I think one could rea­son­ably not both­er with coun­ters for “Whoopies” (con­sumer goods) but even so, there are many more pieces need­ed.

It’s been an inter­est­ing exer­cise. I went with tra­di­tion­al wargame/​military sym­bols (NATO APP‑6) for land mil­i­tary units. Naval units were going to be hard, until I dis­cov­ered that the Soviet Union had some nice sym­bols for those. Those might be arguably from a dif­fer­ent era, but they are a start.

For air units I start­ed out with some kind of goofy sym­bols sup­pos­ed­ly used by NATO and west­ern coun­tries, but I am not sure I will stick with them… they are awful­ly clut­tered and fid­dly look­ing. I think I can see why wargames most­ly do not use them.

Most of these I drew from scratch, but at a scale to be com­pat­i­ble with Tom Mouat’s MapSymbs fonts.

About Thomas Phinney

Thomas is a typographer and board game fan, living in Portland, Oregon.
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