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Summary — mar­t­in­war­like
Registered: December 15, 2014, 09:19
Posts: 0
Position: Newbie
Jabber/​google Talk:
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Chambre ile mau­rice — La loca­tion de par­ti­c­uli­er à par­ti­c­uli­er est finan­cière­ment plus avan­tageuse, en rai­son de la sup­pres­sion des inter­mé­di­aires habituels (agence immo­bil­ière, tour opéra­teur, cen­trale de réser­va­tion, agence de voy­ages) et vous per­me­nt d’avoir un con­tact direct avec le véri­ta­ble pro­prié­taire de l’héberge­ment.
Hotel Phuket — If you want to book a hotel in Thailand, then you have come to the right place. For more details please vis­it us.
Cars for Rent in Abu Dhabi — If you are an exist­ing or prospec­tive and search­ing for some­one to help you through­out your vaca­tion with the car rent­ing facil­i­ty in UAE, then here you go to ben­e­fit from the car rental facil­i­ties pro­vid­ed by “Monte Carlo”. Offering valu­able and unique car rent­ing ser­vice since 1995, we are a name of trust and con­fi­dence.
Caravan For Sale In Uae — Caravans Middle East is a divi­sion of My Car General Trading and is the largest Motorhome and Caravan deal­er­ship in the MENA region! We are the exclu­sive autho­rized dis­trib­u­tors for Forest River Motorhomes, Coachmen Motorhomes, and Echo RV and have an inven­to­ry of over 20 vehi­cles in stock for you to come and see.

Montessori schools in kora­man­gala — Our mis­sion at Harvest Cherubs Montessori House of Children is to fol­low the teach­ings and prin­ci­pals of Maria Montessori through well pre­pared envi­ron­ments that meet the needs and chal­lenges of all chil­dren.
English tuition — I avoid devot­ing a large por­tion of les­son time to answer­ing ques­tions, which is com­mon about tuition centres/​private tutors.

Medical and hos­pi­tal equip­ment — With a sound rep­u­ta­tion as a com­plete health­care solu­tions provider in the UAE, we hope to repli­cate this suc­cess in the MENA Region – Particularly the two most promis­ing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and North African mar­kets.

Mingle Forum by cart­pauj
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4 Responses to Forum

  1. G Luhman says:

    For some rea­son I cant make a user pro­file, but I am a cur­rent Reed fresh­man and i want­ed to bring Empire back to cam­pus. I have a good sized group of peo­ple who are all will­ing to sit around for a while and teach our­selves how to play! Are there any sug­ges­tions for help or rem­nants of Empire around Portland that could advise us?

    • There are numer­ous “rem­nants” around town here in Portland! Andrew Nisbet, the high guru of Empire, is still here in Portland. Robert McCullough, keep­er of the maps and things, is only a block away from the Reed cam­pus. I myself am only ~ 2 miles from cam­pus.

      Sitting around and teach­ing your­selves is almost cer­tain­ly not the best way to learn Empire, but it can work. That’s how I learned, and taught my friends, back around 1990. What we played then end­ed up a bit off from the root of Empire, but cer­tain­ly close to it, and we had a lot of fun.

      Would you be doing this under the aus­pices of the Association of Reed Gamers, or…? In any case, I will be in touch via email as well.

  2. gluhman says:

    Me and my friends have begun to make the board and famil­iar­ize our­selves with the game. We have fall break begin­ning this fri­day at which point we will have ten days of free time to com­plete the board and to begin to play. We all have gam­ing expe­ri­ence with the PC games, Civilization, Age of Empires, etc. so I think we will be able to work it out. The tedious­ness of cre­at­ing over 3000 squares and hand draw­ing the map is just pre­sent­ing a bit of a chal­lenge for our busy lives here. Thanks for help­ing me so far and once we get into it maybe we could fig­ure out a way to meet up and col­lab­o­rate a bit.

    • You know there are pre-made maps avail­able on the site, right? Along with pre-made grids if you want to draw your own map but not have to make 3000 squares? You’d need to take them to a local quick print place to get it out­put at full size (or find some­where on cam­pus to do so). As men­tioned on the “How to Play” page, your best bet here in Portland for out­put of a pre-made map (or a grid to draw your own) is Moso Graphics, at $60–75 they are less than half the price of AlphaGraphics or FedEx Office (the for­mer Kinko’s).

      We should real­ly be in touch in per­son, you should respond to my email. 🙂

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