Summary of 1938 Rules

[In 2011 Dan Drake found and shared the rules sum­ma­ry his father gave him in 1960, which inspired Empire as we know it. It had been filed away, await­ing redis­cov­ery. — ed.]

The attached rules [long ago lost, unfortunately—ed.] were writ­ten by [Mark W.] Eudey to avoid the throw of dice, but I don’t know if they were ever played. The orig­i­nal rules were more or less as fol­lows:

Play start­ed by each play­er select­ing a cap­i­tal, which could be any wheat square, and putting one of his pop­u­la­tion-counter thumb­tacks in it per­ma­nent­ly. Four oth­er thumb­tacks of the same col­or were placed point up on the same square. These were his ini­tial pop­u­la­tion units.

Two dice were thrown for each move. The moves could be divid­ed between two pieces or giv­en to one. A throw of sev­en enti­tled the play­er to an addi­tion­al pop­u­la­tions counter, placed on his cap­i­tal. No more than five such coun­ters could be sup­port­ed by each wheat square occu­pied on the same land mass. The cap­i­tal did not count as a wheat square after one addi­tion­al wheat square had been occu­pied, which had to be done before any oth­er pro­duc­tion squares could be tak­en.

A throw of dou­bles enti­tled the play­er to pro­duce one unit of a com­mod­i­ty on each appro­pri­ate occu­pied square. Production squares were steel, oil chem­i­cals, and gold (wheat did not pro­duce, but mere­ly sup­port­ed.) The play­er could announce which com­mod­i­ty he chose to pro­duce, and got one counter for each such square occu­pied any­where in the world by his men. Thus if he announced “chem­i­cals,” he got one chem­i­cal on each chem­i­cal square he occu­pied. These remained there until trans­port­ed else­where.

A pop­u­la­tion unit could car­ry one unit of any com­mod­i­ty with him on its move. They had to be assem­bled to pro­duce use­ful ele­ments, as fol­lows:

(They could be lat­er scrapped for any one of the com­po­nent com­modi­ties.)

One steel and one oil on any sea­port (ie a square con­tain­ing both land and water) could be con­vert­ed into a ship with­out loss of move. The ship had to be announced either as a mer­chant ship or a bat­tle­ship. A mer­chant ship could car­ry an unlim­it­ed num­bers of com­mod­i­ty and pop­u­la­tion units, and moved one square for each die-count, just as pop­u­la­tion moved. A bat­tle­ship could not car­ry andy per­sons or com­modi­ties. It could sink a mer­chant ship by col­lid­ing.

One steel, one oil, and one chem­i­cal made an air­plane. An addi­tion­al chem­i­cal pro­vid­ed it with a bomb good for one explo­sion. Explosion destroyed every­thing on the square it was on, except the air­plane. Explosion occurred only on the throw­ing of a dou­ble, with­out using up the cor­re­spond­ing moves or pre­vent­ing pro­duc­tion.

One gold and one steel for­ti­fied a point. When two cor­ners, not diag­o­nal, were for­ti­fied in any square, noth­ing could pass that line with­out per­mis­sion of the own­er of the for­ti­fi­ca­tions. No cap­i­tal could be for­ti­fied on all four cor­ners.

One each of steel, oil, chem­i­cal, and pop­u­la­tion made an army, which moved only one square per die (regard­less of num­ber on die) and destroyed every­thing on every square it moved to. It could go by bat­tle­ship but not by mer­chant ship, and not by air­plane.

The object was to occu­py as much of the world as pos­si­ble. When an ene­my cap­i­tal was occu­pied, all his coun­ters were pet­ri­fied in place, and his com­mod­i­ty sup­ply and ships and planes could be stolen. If occu­pa­tion ceased, his coun­ters imme­di­ate­ly came to life again.

—Stillman Drake, sum­mer 1960

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