
This site is main­tained with con­tri­bu­tions from the descen­dants of the Reed College Empire Association, pri­mar­i­ly by Thomas Phinney. It was cre­at­ed for two rea­sons: to pre­serve some won­der­ful mate­ri­als that could oth­er­wise be lost (a few Empire play­ers thought it might be a good idea), and to try to revive the game for future play. Andrew Nisbet (Head of the Reed College Empire Association and long-time orga­niz­er of the game) con­tributed the orig­i­nal rules and many of the his­tor­i­cal mate­ri­als; Robert McCullough (Empire play­er and his­to­ry buff) man­aged the tech­ni­cal­ly-chal­leng­ing process of scan­ning the maps. Thomas con­tributed Empire map grid util­i­ties, retyped/​updated/​expanded rules, and oth­er “new” mate­r­i­al. John Powers (Empire play­er and typ­ist) and Thomas (dit­to) both set up Web sites, which got amal­ga­mat­ed into this one. General ver­biage was writ­ten by John and Thomas.

If by chance you played Empire, and have any­thing you’d like to share on this site, please con­tact “admin” at this domain.

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