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0 Posts in 0 Topics Made by 234 Members. Latest Member: annmarieknatchbu
Latest Post by Guest on January 1, 1970, 00:00 |
Mingle Forum by cartpauj
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For some reason I cant make a user profile, but I am a current Reed freshman and i wanted to bring Empire back to campus. I have a good sized group of people who are all willing to sit around for a while and teach ourselves how to play! Are there any suggestions for help or remnants of Empire around Portland that could advise us?
There are numerous “remnants” around town here in Portland! Andrew Nisbet, the high guru of Empire, is still here in Portland. Robert McCullough, keeper of the maps and things, is only a block away from the Reed campus. I myself am only ~ 2 miles from campus.
Sitting around and teaching yourselves is almost certainly not the best way to learn Empire, but it can work. That’s how I learned, and taught my friends, back around 1990. What we played then ended up a bit off from the root of Empire, but certainly close to it, and we had a lot of fun.
Would you be doing this under the auspices of the Association of Reed Gamers, or…? In any case, I will be in touch via email as well.
Me and my friends have begun to make the board and familiarize ourselves with the game. We have fall break beginning this friday at which point we will have ten days of free time to complete the board and to begin to play. We all have gaming experience with the PC games, Civilization, Age of Empires, etc. so I think we will be able to work it out. The tediousness of creating over 3000 squares and hand drawing the map is just presenting a bit of a challenge for our busy lives here. Thanks for helping me so far and once we get into it maybe we could figure out a way to meet up and collaborate a bit.
You know there are pre-made maps available on the site, right? Along with pre-made grids if you want to draw your own map but not have to make 3000 squares? You’d need to take them to a local quick print place to get it output at full size (or find somewhere on campus to do so). As mentioned on the “How to Play” page, your best bet here in Portland for output of a pre-made map (or a grid to draw your own) is Moso Graphics, at $60–75 they are less than half the price of AlphaGraphics or FedEx Office (the former Kinko’s).
We should really be in touch in person, you should respond to my email. 🙂