Rules & survey

As men­tioned last post, I have been hard at work on a new ver­sion of the Logistics branch of the rules (v 4.0 alpha 3). I post­ed it at the bot­tom of the rules page over the week­end. I am pleased because I think I may have final­ly ironed out the last of the egre­gious issues I cre­at­ed when branch­ing and “improv­ing” in the first place, while keep­ing some gen­uine improve­ments (like the glos­sary and reor­ga­ni­za­tion). This descen­dant of the clas­sic rules is near­ly ready for prime time.

One thing I am look­ing for is some more feed­back on a few remain­ing rules issues, and towards that end I post­ed a sur­vey. If you have played Empire before, or have some stake in these new rules, please check it out!

About Thomas Phinney

Thomas is a typographer and board game fan, living in Portland, Oregon.
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One Response to Rules & survey

  1. Myles Durga says:

    Have been pour­ing over the rules for days, and the only ques­tion I have is what are food squares. I am assum­ing they are the squares cov­ered in dots. And the rules men­tions oth­er type of ter­rain, but not these, and with­out a leg­end I am just guess­ing.


    [I replied to Myles direct­ly, albeit belat­ed­ly. I’ve been busy trav­el­ing and giv­ing a bunch of lec­tures. I’m in Reykjavik right now.

    This is cor­rect, the dots are food (farm) squares. I had the same ques­tion at one point, and I believe I in fact added that to the next draft of my ver­sion of the rules a cou­ple months ago, so that will show up in the next edi­tion. — T]

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